
The Army Painter at Adepticon

The Army Painter at Adepticon

Adepticon, one of the longest running gaming conventions in the US and the jewel of the American midwest, is fast approaching. Many a hobbyist are scurrying to finish their armies for the various tournaments while others are feverishly painting away on their entries for the display cabinets of the many painting competitions held there each year. Here at The Army Painter, we're preparing as well, with our Events Team kicking it into high gear to get ready to deliver a showstopper of a presence at the event!


Adepticon Vendor Hall


Are you curious about the new Warpaints Fanatic range? We'll have it on hand for everyone to try out! Come find our booth in the vendor hall and give the future of miniature painting a try.

Adepticon Seminars

We'll also have seminars running all day on Friday, March 22nd. Ranging from Bo, Thomas, and Adam - the masterminds behind Warpaints Fanatic themselves - talking everything Fanatic and answering your questions, to Caleb teaching the secrets of Speedpaint and Warpaints Fanatic in two separate, and completely free painting classes! They're sure to fill up quickly though, so sign up early at our booth in the vendor hall to secure your spot.

Adepticon Roster

Don't worry if you miss out on the Friday festivities, because we're running painting demos at our booth in the vendor hall for the entire event hosted by Thomas, Caleb, our amazing Factory Team, and even some yet to be announced mystery guests. Our talented roster of professional hobbyists, with over 240 years of combined mini painting experience, will be on hand throughout the weekend to answer your questions about Warpaints Fanatic, show you all of its painting secrets, and if you ask nicely, maybe even share the mysteries of Dipit (Bo knows all).

So, if you're coming to the gaming event of the spring make sure you swing by our booth and say hi, check out the new Warpaints Fanatic paints, and become a part of the future of miniature painting!

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Warpaints Fanatic | Matching Colour Schemes
Meet The Factory Team