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The Colour Triad System

The Colour Triad System

How to Work With The Colour Triad System

Basecoating miniatures with an airbrush is super-efficient with our uniquely formulated Warpaints Air. With the extensive range of colours and perfect viscosity you’ll never have to fight with your airbrush again!

Warpaints Air paints are extremely easy to use thanks to the unique Colour Triad System based on 34 of our regular Warpaints colours and a corresponding Base and Highlight colour. This makes highlighting and shading a breeze and army painting even faster and more cohesive.

How to Work With The Colour Triad System The Army Painter


What is a Colour Triad?


What Is a Colour Triad?


All regular Warpaints Air colours fit into our innovative Colour Triad System which enables you to easily pick your base, midtone, and highlight colours.

Save precious time on your army painting by removing the need for you to pre-mix and test. Confidently basecoat your entire wargaming army in just a few hours.

We chose our most popular colours and formulated a unique base and highlight for each. That also means you can be ensured that every midtone colour in your chosen Triad is a perfect colour match with a similar regular Warpaint.


How To Apply a Colour Triad With Airbrush

mount on stick

When you’re airbrushing, Colour Triads it’s easy to work on multiple miniatures at a time. Mount them on a stick, just like when priming.


shake the bottle
Warpaints Air has Mixing Balls pre-loaded in the bottle, briefly shake the paint before using.


fill the airbrush with the base colour
Pour the BASE colour of your chosen Colour Triad into the airbrush well. No need to add thinner.


apply the base colour
Apply the BASE to the underside and lower parts of the model, you don’t need to worry about hitting anything you do not want, since it will get covered shortly.


rinse the airbrush
Empty any remaining paint from the well and rinse with water. Blow the water through the nozzle before filling the next colour.


apply the mid colour
Apply the MID colour at a 45° angle onto the miniatures, leaving some of the BASE showing in the shadowed recesses.


apply the high colour
Apply a final highlight with the HIGH colour in a top-down fashion, picking out the raised areas and where you want to draw the eye.


colour triad done
Your entire army is now base coated with a zenithal highlight – in record time!
Proceed by painting the rest of the miniature with a brush, apply washes, and highlights and you will Get More Time for Gaming. 

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