
News and Painting Guides

NewsFanatic on Fanatics: Chaos Takes Hold at The Army Painter

Fanatic on Fanatics: Chaos Takes Hold at The Army Painter

Warpaints Fanatic has been unleashed upon the miniature painting world, and there’s no one quite as fanatical as the Chaos Space Marines of Warhammer 40,000. See what our own collection of heretica...

Get StartedWhy You Should Prime Your Miniatures

Why You Should Prime Your Miniatures

Priming your miniature is an important part of the painting process, but why is that exactly? Find out what primer does for your painting experience, and why it's an essential step.

NewsGetting The Most Out Of Your Fanatic Mega Paint Set

Getting The Most Out Of Your Fanatic Mega Paint Set

The Fanatic Mega Set comes packed with 50 paints, giving you everything you need to complete your next hobby project. Taking up the challenge, four hobbyists from around The Army Painter offices pi...

TutorialsPainting The Dark Angels | Unlocking The Secrets Of The Unforgiven

Painting The Dark Angels | Unlocking The Secrets Of The Unforgiven

The Dark Angels are a unique Space Marine army, containing several colour schemes within the one chapter - all of which can be fielded together! Learn how to paint all of these with the help of War...

NewsThe Arena of Escalation: First Unit and Character - Part 2

The Arena of Escalation: First Unit and Character - Part 2

What army of the grim darkness would be complete without a heroic commander to lead it and stalwart troops to follow them into battle? The second half of our contestants agree, and have sallied for...

NewsThe Arena of Escalation: First Unit and Character - Part 1

The Arena of Escalation: First Unit and Character - Part 1

The first unit and character are a great litmus test for any army, letting you really flex all of your hobby muscles in preparation for the rest of the force. In this installment of the Arena of Es...

TutorialsThe NMM and TMM Painting Techniques

The NMM and TMM Painting Techniques

Metallic elements are omnipresent in the vast universe of miniature figures. There are generally two broad approaches to painting metallics on miniatures: the Non-Metallic Metal (NMM) technique) an...

TutorialsThe Army Painter Academy: BattleTech Clan Wolf Mech

The Army Painter Academy: BattleTech Clan Wolf Mech

Welcome to the next installment of The Army Painter Academy, a series where we break down how we paint a miniature step-by-step, complete with pictures for every bit of paint applied along the way....

The Arena of EscalationThe Arena of Escalation: Painting Commander Farsight in 12  Easy Steps

The Arena of Escalation: Painting Commander Farsight in 12 Easy Steps

Learn how Oliver painted his striking Commander Farsight for the Arena of Escalation in 12 easy steps with Warpaints Fanatic, Air, and Speedpaint!

TutorialsLearn How to Paint True-Metallic Metals (TMM)

Learn How to Paint True-Metallic Metals (TMM)

Unlock the secrets of painting True-Metallic Metal (NMM) with our step-by-step guide. Learn to create stunning bronze, silver, and gold effects using Warpaints Fanatic Metallic paints.

TutorialsLearn How to Paint Non-Metallic Metals (NMM)

Learn How to Paint Non-Metallic Metals (NMM)

Unlock the secrets of painting Non-Metallic Metal (NMM) with our step-by-step guide. Learn to create stunning bronze, silver, and gold effects using Warpaints Fanatic acrylics.

NewsThe future of miniature paint is FINALLY here!

The future of miniature paint is FINALLY here!

Dive into the Warpaints Fanatic paints With the release of the Warpaints Fanatic single paints, you can now get your hands on Burning Ore, Greenskin, Imperial Navy, or any of the other 216 Fanatic ...

NewsWhich Warpaints Fanatic Box Should You Get?

Which Warpaints Fanatic Box Should You Get?

Discover the perfect Warpaints Fanatic Paint Set for you, from beginner to fanatic. Explore box options, colours, and exclusive benefits to enhance your miniature painting journey.

TutorialsThe Army Painter Academy: T'au Fire Warrior

The Army Painter Academy: T'au Fire Warrior

Welcome to the next installment of The Army Painter Academy, a series where we break down how we paint a miniature step-by-step, complete with pictures for every bit of paint applied along the way....

TutorialsPainting the Dark Angels Dreadnought: Behind the Scenes

Painting the Dark Angels Dreadnought: Behind the Scenes

Today we pull back the veil and lay bare the secrets that went into painting this venerable Dark Angels Dreadnought, as Thomas takes us through his process of blending the might of Warpaints Air wi...

EventsThe Army Painter's Amazing Adepticon Experience!

The Army Painter's Amazing Adepticon Experience!

The Army Painter's first Adepticon has come and passed, and what an amazing event it was! While several members of our team have been Adepticon regulars for years, this marks the first time that Th...

NewsMeet The Army Painter’s US Team

Meet The Army Painter’s US Team

From Skanderborg to the US, while The Army Painter’s roots are firmly planted in the beautiful landscapes of Denmark – Skanderborg, to be precise – our US team continues to grow, and now consists o...

Get StartedPaint Like a Pro: 10 Tips for Beginner Must-Haves

Paint Like a Pro: 10 Tips for Beginner Must-Haves

Get a professional painter’s must-have equipment and tools for starting miniature painting with Steffen's top 10 tips. From brushes to proper lighting, we've got it covered!

NewsThe Arena of Escalation: The Test Minis - Part 2

The Arena of Escalation: The Test Minis - Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of the test models for the Arena of Escalation! An essential part of any army project, our intrepid contestants have each painted at least one miniature to test out their colour s...

NewsMastering Metallics: Why Fanatic Has Made It Easier Than Ever!

Mastering Metallics: Why Fanatic Has Made It Easier Than Ever!

Metallic paints hold a special allure: the shimmer of polished armour, the gleam of a knight’s sword, and the lustrous sheen of a dragon’s hoard. Using metallics can really add depth and realism to...

NewsThe Arena of Escalation: The Test Minis - Part 1

The Arena of Escalation: The Test Minis - Part 1

With a few weeks under our belts the first checkpoint has arrived - the venerable test model! No army is complete without one as this is what helps you figure out your colour scheme and the best w...

TutorialsPainting the Lion: Behind the Scenes

Painting the Lion: Behind the Scenes

The Lion, Primarch of the Dark Angels, is a terrific centerpiece miniature from Games Workshop, worthy of the spotlight in any hobbyist's collection. As such, we knew it deserved the extra attentio...

TutorialsThe Army Painter Academy: Ravenwing Outrider

The Army Painter Academy: Ravenwing Outrider

Welcome to the second installment of The Army Painter Academy, a series where we break down how we paint a miniature step-by-step, complete with pictures for every bit of paint applied along the w...

NewsDipIt’s Dungeon Revealed

DipIt’s Dungeon Revealed

Welcome to Dipit’s Dungeon - The Army Painter’s in-house bar and largest meeting room. It’s where our employees can meet and unwind with a beer or soft drinks on Fridays after work or hold departme...